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[BBC-6 Minute English] Crying men









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发表于 2013-6-15 12:10:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Finn is feeling emotional about a piece of music he loves; Neil cried like a baby when his children were born. But is it OK for men to cry?
David Beckham did it recently and even the British finance minister cried on TV, but the media still seems to be surprised when men show their emotions.
Neil and Finn talk about crying men in 6 Minute English.
This week's question:
How often do men cry every year? Is it:
a) Between one and five times.
b) Between six and 17 times.
c) Between 18 and 25 times.
Listen to the programme to find out the answer

Vocabularyemotionalshowing strong feelings

funeralthe ceremony people go to when someone has died

movingsomething, like a piece of music or an event, that makes you feel sad

overwhelmingdescribes something so emotional you can't cope

well upto have tears in your eyes/ to begin to cry


BBC Learning English
6 Minute English
13 June 2013
Crying men
6 Minute English  © bbclearningenglish.com 2013
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NB: This is not a word for word transcript
Neil:  Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English with me, Neil, and a very sad looking
Finn:  Hi Neil.
Neil:  Oh dear, what’s wrong Finn?
Finn:  It’s just this beautiful piece of classical music always makes me cry.
Neil:  Ah… I see! Finn is a man who cries. That is interesting because this programme
is all about men who cry.
Finn:  Well, I don't cry all the time, Neil!
Neil:  We can talk more about your crying later, but first it’s our quiz question. And, of
course, it’s about crying. Finn, take this tissue and dry your eyes and answer
Finn:  Thank you. I’ll try my best.
Neil:  An organisation of eye scientists, called the German Society of Ophthalmology,
did some research about male crying habits. I want to know how often men cry
every year. Is it:
a)  Between one and five times.
b)  Between six and 17 times.
c)  Between 18 and 25 times.
Finn:  I think it’s b): six and 17 times.  
Neil:  OK, we will find out at the end of the programme. But back to your classical
music now Finn. Do you often cry when you hear a piece of music you love?
6 Minute English  © bbclearningenglish.com 2013
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Finn:  Well, not always. It depends on a few different things. And if the music reminds
me of something, I can become emotional.
Neil:  You can say someone is ‘emotional’ if they are showing strong feelings. Well,
Finn, you are not the only man who has cried in public recently. David Beckham
cried at the end of the final football match of his career. And George Osborne,
who is the British finance minister, was recently seen on TV crying. He was at
the funeral of the former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher.
Finn:  A funeral is the ceremony people go to when someone has died. But why do you
sound surprised? It’s normal to cry – especially at a funeral.
Neil:  But, is it normal for men to cry? People thought it was so strange for the finance
minister George Osborne to cry in public that they asked him why he did it.
Listen to his answer. He uses that word we talked about - ‘emotional’. Listen for
British finance minister, George Osborne:
I guess I welled up a bit because I thought it was a very emotional and moving occasion and
at times overwhelming.
Neil:  So, he cried because it was an emotional occasion. He used another two words to
describe the funeral. Now let’s listen again. Can you hear what they are?
British finance minister, George Osborne:
I guess I welled up a bit because I thought it was a very emotional and moving occasion and
at times overwhelming.
Neil:  What did he say, Finn?
Finn:  He said it was moving. If something is moving, it means that it makes you feel
Neil:  Just like that piece of music that makes you cry, Finn.
Finn:  OK, Neil. That piece of music is very moving for me.
Neil:  He also said that the ceremony was overwhelming. When something is
overwhelming it makes you feel so emotional, you can’t cope! You have to cry.  
6 Minute English  © bbclearningenglish.com 2013
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Finn:  Come on, Neil. It’s time for me to ask you some questions. Don't you ever well
up – meaning your eyes fill with tears? You must have had a moving or
overwhelming experience.
Neil:  Of course I have. I welled up when I got married and I cried like a baby when
my children were born – but that was because I was so happy.
Finn:  Ah, so are you saying that it’s OK to cry from happiness?
Neil:  Maybe that’s true. Lots of men cried during the London Olympics in 2012.
Perhaps it’s becoming more normal, but it still seems that if you are a man and
you cry in public, it will be talked about in the media as if it is strange or wrong.
But, enough about me…
Finn:  I can see you are trying to avoid talking about this subject, Neil. Does it make
you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed?
Neil:  Not at all. I am a modern man. But just let me turn this on again and see what
Finn:  Ah, that’s not fair, Neil.
Neil:  He’s going to start again. Yes, I can see tears – he’s welling up. Here’s the
answer to our quiz question. How often do men cry every year?
Finn:  I said between b) six and 17 times.
Neil:  And you are right. Join us again for 6 Minute English.
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