- 生肖
- 蛇
- 星座
- 双鱼座
- 性别
- 男
- 积分
- 100
- 积分
- 134
- 精华
- 1
- 阅读权限
- 20
- 注册时间
- 2012-11-12
- 最后登录
- 2012-12-1
- 帖子
- 10

- 生肖
- 蛇
- 星座
- 双鱼座
- 性别
- 男
Just like sudras women also were utterly oppressed. Both sudras and women were considered very low, like animal, like objects the people of high castes and classer could use as they wished. Being a woman itself was considered a drawback. They were described as full of evil, symbols of evil.
The Brahmins always looked at women with suspicion. They thought that women are vulgar, very sexy and always searching for sex-pleasure. There ideas made women prisoners in the hands of males, as well as the mother in-law. They did not have any freedom: religions freedom education freedom, freedom of movement etc. they were considered not clean; therefore, they were not allowed to participate in religious ceremonies and rituals. The only every they can attain heaven was by being a good and faithful wife, obeying the mother in-law and serving the husband like a slam-woman.
The merit she obtain by such good behavior was thought to lead her to heaven. She was expected to give happiness to the husband and give birth to sons. If not she could be sent out of the house.