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- 2015-1-14
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Les Miserables has premiered its first trailer online.
电影《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)首款预告片已经出炉了。
Anne Hathaway's rendition of 'I Dreamed a Dream' plays over the teaser video for the musical, which offers up glimpses of Hugh Jackman's escaped convict Jean Valjean and Russell Crowe's Inspector Javert, the police officer pursuing him.
整款预告片以安妮·海瑟薇演唱的《I Dreamed a Dream》为背景,休·杰克曼饰演的逃犯冉·阿让(Jean Valhean)和罗素·科洛饰演的探长沙威(Javert)轮番登场。
Hathaway will play starving prostitute Fantine, while the supporting cast includes Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, Eddie Redmayne as Marius, Sacha Baron Cohen as Thénardier, Helena Bonham Carter as Madame Thénardier and Samantha Barks as Éponine.
Oscar-winning The King's Speech director Tom Hooper is behind the camera for the film, which is based on Victor Hugo's novel and the subsequent stage musical adaptations.
本片根据雨果巨著《悲惨世界》和随后的同名舞台剧改编而成,由奥斯卡获奖影片《国王的演讲》导演汤姆·霍伯 (Tom Hooper)倾情执导。
Les Miserables is scheduled for a December 14 release in the US and January 11 in the UK.